6 Factors that Create an Award-Winning Music Video

While your music might be the thing that drives the core audience that will support you throughout your run, every act has to know the importance of a great music video. It’s what can get brand new eyes and ears on your stuff, establish an entire aesthetic and vibe for your brand, and lead to new heights of success.

What It Takes to Make an Award-Winning Music Video

Production Value

There are some guerilla-style shot videos that have made waves over the years, not using the best equipment or cleanest images. However, the vast majority of videos that make real waves ensure high quality and direction. If you want your video to have a rough and raw look, it still requires the expertise of a serious music video producer to make it look intentional, and not cheap.

Excellent Shot Composition

Whatever the subject of the video is, whether it’s your performance, a storyboarded scene, or otherwise, the right music video producer works with people who really know how to get the best out of it through the right shots. Panning, zooming, sweeping, and otherwise experimenting with the frame can create some truly memorable images.

Narrative and Theme

Not every music video has to have a clear narrative or story beats to follow. Some of them just capture a vibe or an action for the duration of the song. If your music evokes a strong feeling or image in your mind, run with it and think of how you can really hammer it down for the length of the video.

Virality and Impact

If you have a bold idea, one that’s going to catch some attention, maybe even flirt with a touch of controversy, that can help. Having an idea of showing an image that shocks, surprises, or leaves a resonant emotional impact makes your audience a lot more likely to share it with others, and that attention brings profile.

Originality and Innovation

Don’t mistake virality with using ideas that are already viral. Hopping on a trend or bandwagoning on something that’s already in the mainstream or popular with your existing audience is going to look tired and cliche. Try to get out of the box with your ideas.

Location, Location, Location

Finding the right location can do so much to set the mood and tone of the videos. By working with a professional music video producer, you can ensure that you know how to shoot in the location, making the best use of its lighting, space, and backdrop.

Ensure Your Music Video Makes A Splash With a Full-Service Production Company

If you want your music to make as many waves as possible, then you have to make sure that you have the right music video for it. At Ghost Atomic Pictures, we can help you hit all of the factors above, giving you the best chance of getting as many eyes as possible. Contact us to get started!

Cori Zuckerman

Art Director / Designer / Consultant


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Full-Service Production: Explained